
Sam has found his tongue!
Sunday night we got Sam up from his nap and he started making the funniest little faces... John requested that I put some up so you all can take a peek. He loves to stick his tongue out but I think the funniest ones are when he was readying himself for the camera... check it out
Summer is here at last! The pool is open and due to my dad's ugly yet efficient pool warming device the pool is the perfect temp! I'm so excited for this season in our lives to begin. It will be our first summer with Sam and we hope that there will be a lot of sun filled days where we can take advantage of the great outdoors. So far we've spent several days at Grandma's house and in the pool. This weekend the water was so nice that even Sam got to go in the big pool. He didn't know what to think at first and is still getting used to the idea of being in the pool but I think he's getting the hang of it. Here are some pictures of his first adventure in the pool...

Boy has this kid got it easy... I don't have any pictures of it but Grandma thought her little boy was getting too much sun so she made some shade for him with two kick boards propped up on the float, pampered or what.

And all that floating around in the pool can wear a kid out... check out the little baby lounging chair!
Well that's it for now. I hope that all our weekends are as fun as this one!
Hi everyone, I know that it's been awhile since we've last posted... things have been crazy around here and summer has just really snuck up on us this year. Anyway, I thought I would put a couple of pictures of Sam up enjoying his baby pool. We put him in it for the first time over Memorial day weekend and he seemed to really like it (after the water warmed up a little) He was all set with his little hat and swim shorts... and yes a healthy heap of sunscreen!

Above is Sam lounging in his little pool, not quite sure what this was all about. He's not used to sitting in water as he gets showers and not baths most of the time.

Here he is eating his little float toy... it's a cute little turtle that wraps around his belly. He loved it because it had a rattle in it and that just fascinated him... also it looks like it made him a little hungry...

This is another little pool toy that he got his mouth on. By this time he was really getting used to being in the water. I can't believe how much he's grown!