Wow, it's been too long since I have updated this page... I will try to get better at it though. Here's a quick breakdown of what life has been like lately...
In late September, Whitney, Sam and I took a trip to Cincinnati for Tiffany's wedding. It was CRAZY. We were so insanely busy and Sam did not want to sleep the first night at all. He did really great in the car and we had a lot of fun. Tiffany was beautiful and it was such a blessing to be able to see my girlfriends again. Also Sydney is such a doll and Naomi makes a great mother! Oh, and I would not have been able to take that trip without Whitney! She was amazing. She is the best Aunt ever and Sam knows it!

When we got back from Cincinnati we had two days to rest then we headed out to Virginia Beach for our family vacation. It was a nice break since Cincy was so heck-tic. Sam did great in the hotel with us after the first night and John, Sam and I got to spend some time together each morning walking down to get hot chocolate from Starbucks and walking back on the boardwalk. The mornings were so beautiful and quiet. I love the sound of the ocean just not the sand. Sam got to play with Grandma and Grandpa in the sand and he loved it. I cringed at all that sand in all his little crevices. At the end of our trip Whit, Dad and Mom built a really great sandcastle. Also I read two books on my vacation and it was wonderful. I really wish we had a borders or barnes and noble around here!

I have been doing the church newsletter now for four months and I am really getting into the swing of things. I have also been working on a website that showcases my photography; slowly inching forward to doing it professionally. The site I have up right now is , I really encourage you to take a look and let me know what you think. be patient as the photo's take a little while to load.
Last week I had the privilege of taking Sam's 12 month photo's. They turned out really well. He is growing so fast and as I've been looking at photographs from a year ago I am amazed at just how different he is. He's crawling like crazy and can stand on his own but hasn't shown a whole lot of interest in actually walking. He loves Cherrios, the cats and when you say "bless you" after he sneezes. He's so laid back and happy. John and I are incredibly blessed!

Now we are getting ready for his 1 yr birthday! He's going to be going as nemo and I've been letting him wear the costume every day so he'll get used to it.
Well that's about it. I hope you enjoy the update and the pictures!