Wow, did we get some SNOW! For those of you who don't live here in St. Mary's, it started snowing Sunday night and didn't finish until around 10 am on Monday. I believe that it snowed earlier this year but it was really nothing compared to what we got this time! Many people lost their power but we were fortunate and it really only flickered on Sunday night. So when we woke up Monday morning it was a real winter wonderland outside, and cold to boot! We didn't waste much time getting ready to go outside and play. John stayed home from work as we couldn't even move the car. We realizes shortly that none of us had any snow clothes but we made due with layers and plastic bags and duct tape. Sam was all bundled up starting with some long johns and ending with snow pants and Walmart bags. John said he would stay inside and make the hot chocolate as he hates the cold but Whitney had her measuring stick and was ready to go. So Whitney and her measuring stick and Sam and I headed outside to play. Whitney measured about 30 different places in the yard and the results were that most places there were between 8 and 10 inches of snow. We did have a few dunes that reached 29 inches. We weren't able to stay out very long because nothing was plowed, we didn't have a shovel and the wind was blowing something fierce! Sam, who really liked the snow last time was having a very hard time getting around and his little face was looking really red. So after a few photographic moments we headed back inside to enjoy the snow from the comfort of the warm house.
In the afternoon Mom dropped by and was able to make it up our driveway because she has a nice SUV opposed to our two Camrys and Macs little red thing (not sure what it is but it's smallish). She took us to get a shovel and some groceries and on the way we ran into our neighbor Mr. Evans and he had a plow. $25 got our very long driveway plowed and even behind the house where we park! That was incredibly helpful!
In the afternoon, after Sam's nap our friends Sara and Ryan came over with Lukas and we again went out to brave the elements. It was much nicer this time as the sun was shining and we had a path to walk down. The boys has a lot of fun and we had a lot of fun watching them! We came in and had dinner and played a game and it was a wonderful evening!
So I have attached many pictures of Sam, our home, the snow and the adventures of the day! I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
This is Sam in his first layer... there were many more to come.

As you can see Whitney is ready for the snow with her stylish white garbage bag boots! (They really worked well!!)

First I'll give you a glimpse of just how pretty it was where we live... then I'll get to the kids!

So on Sunday this pretty little thing showed up in our backyard. They were going to do a perk test on Monday but instead I got to take some pictures of it all covered with snow! What luck! Also it made a great backdrop for some portraits of Sam and Aunt Whitney!

And even though our front porch is in fact covered it still got a nice dusting!

And on to the main event... drumroll please... cuteness in the snow!
She has in fact fallen and could not get up.
Ryan was very helpful in getting the back walk shoveled! Thanks so much! And that's Sara back there herding both children as I had a lens attached to my face.

This was my very eclectic one armed snow angel... she was just beautiful!

Synchronized child tossing is going to be in the next winter olympics... just wait!

All right, That's all for today!