So this past week I have been busy with two cakes. I am really loving decorating the cakes and am learning a lot just by doing it! For Jolanda's cake I got to take time and make little flowers out of royal frosting which was actually quite fun. When I was thinking about how many I would need it seemed pretty daunting but once I started the time seemed to really fly by and poof I had two cookie sheet trays full of flowers! I didn't use all of them so I have some left over for another project! On Kate's cake I got to make a pretty buttercream frosting rose and was really pleased with the way it turned out. I would probably do the top edge differently in the future with a cake that small as it looked much bigger than the base, but overall I was really happy with both cakes!

Above are the flowers I made that went to Jolanda's cake and below is the cake itself!