The time finally came for that first haircut. My son has the most beautifully sweet little locks... on a good day... after a bath or when it's really humid, but after being in the car or going down for a nap or wearing a hood his hair was starting to look just plain crazy! So we thought that it was time to get his first haircut out of the way. We have a good friend, Alisa who is a hair stylist at a solon in Lexington Park and she said she would cut his hair right before John's appointment. She was amazing! Sam did well in the beginning but somewhere along the line changed his mind about the whole thing. I think the pictures paint a pretty good picture for you though!

These pictures were originally taken to mirror an old family photo of my Dad that sits on the piano. In it he had beautiful curly hair and had a ball sitting in front of him. We took these pictures right before we took Sam to get his first haircut in hopes to recreate the look... Well the only things that were similar about the two photographs were the hair and the ball. I tried though... and here are the pictures!

Sometimes I am utterly amazed at the beauty that surrounds me. I am reminded that God is an incredible artist whose promises and creation hold true throughout the ages. It was in one of these moments last week that I stepped off the back steps of our house to witness this beautiful rainbow. It filled the sky and I was able to reflect on all my blessings; my husband and son, my family, friends, a home to live in and a God who loves not only me but all those in my life.

Every year for Easter we go to Piney Point for the sunrise service. It's absolutely gorgeous but a little on the chilly side as it's so early in the morning. So instead of donning our "Sunday Best" we put on two pairs of pants, sweatshirts and a couple of scarves. So we went back a week later in the afternoon to play on the beach and take some "Easter" pictures! Also John tried to teach Sam how to skip rocks. When Sam first saw John do it he ran up the beach and got his very own little rock and placed it in the water, it was so sweet!


Wow, I can't believe that it's already April and even more so Easter is this weekend! Well we got together with friends and let the boys dye Easter eggs this year and they also got to have an early Easter egg hunt! They did really well with the egg hunt and found all the goodies. I am not sure they knew there was stuff in the eggs (thanks Ryan and Sara) but once they found out they started throwing them on the ground to break them open. It was pretty funny! Then we finally got brave and took them inside to color some eggs. A few spills and some dyed fingers later our eggs were done and the Sam and Lukas were relatively the same color as they started out being. We had a lot of fun and now have some beautiful eggs!

We were really blessed to have such a pretty day to have our egg hunt!

This is Sam finding his first egg!

And the boys going through all the fun stuff!

He's found cars....
And here I'm showing Sam how to be gentle with the egg. He didn't break a single one!

And here we're putting the egg into the dye...

and Sam thought you should probably stir the eggs.

Ryan and Sara dyed their eggs with Lukas!

And look how pretty they turned out!

Sam was very happy with his egg dying experience! See our eggs at the top of the page!