Wow, I can't believe that it's already April and even more so Easter is this weekend! Well we got together with friends and let the boys dye Easter eggs this year and they also got to have an early Easter egg hunt! They did really well with the egg hunt and found all the goodies. I am not sure they knew there was stuff in the eggs (thanks Ryan and Sara) but once they found out they started throwing them on the ground to break them open. It was pretty funny! Then we finally got brave and took them inside to color some eggs. A few spills and some dyed fingers later our eggs were done and the Sam and Lukas were relatively the same color as they started out being. We had a lot of fun and now have some beautiful eggs!

We were really blessed to have such a pretty day to have our egg hunt!

This is Sam finding his first egg!

And the boys going through all the fun stuff!

He's found cars....

And here I'm showing Sam how to be gentle with the egg. He didn't break a single one!

Sam was very happy with his egg dying experience! See our eggs at the top of the page!