Short story short... A friend of mine from high school sent out a facebook invite to get us shutterbugs to stop complaining and start shooting. She proposed that we try to keep a camera of some sort on us all the time, and she would contact us via text to "shoot" and we would, in turn click away. Shooting on command, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Cool idea! We'll then send the photos to her and she will post them somewhere online... more on that later. As it is the first text came this morning at 11:47 am and Sam and I were just getting in the car to head home from the library... this is what filled my line of vision at the time so that's what I snapped my first photos of. She requested notes and I didn't know if she meant technical notes or just a note so I did both. This is a really neat idea! I've had fun so far!
very neat idea...can't wait to see more :) what??? you don't always have a camera in hand? I'm shocked!!!