It's 11:44 pm and way past my bedtime... it's crazy that I actually have a "bedtime" but I don't have the option of sleeping in anymore and I really do love my sleep. I've watched the same episode of LA Ink twice tonight and I am still awake... speaking of LA Ink, someday I think that I want a tattoo. I've seen a lot of really stupid looking tattoos and I've wondered "how drunk were these people when they let someone take a needle and permanently draw on their skin?" but I have also seen some very amazing ones. I think that having something that means so much to you to the point where you are willing to commit to always and remembering it no matter what, is a really special thing. I know it isn't for everyone and the likelihood of me ever getting a tattoo is slim to none... one, they are really really expensive and two, I am always changing my mind about stuff. I do not commit well. I do ok with people, I love my friends and my family but when it comes to ideas or career paths or schooling or what I want to do with my life... well I am not so good about sticking to one thing. I feel like I am always being pulled by different things. There are a plethora of things that I really enjoy doing and have some talent for but I have a hard time when it comes down to "is this the thing?" then come the questions; am I good enough at this, do I enjoy it enough to do it for a long time, is there any money to be had, is it the right time, is this what God wants me to be doing with my life? The list goes on. Even this "blog"... I am not sure exactly what a blog is... I like to write and my brother Larry told me I should do this so I am but I feel a little self conscious just writing about myself and my thoughts. And do I really have anything all that important to say? Whose to judge? It's not horribly likely that many people will read this anyway, and yet I am addressing these writings to anyone who might happen upon them. I like it because it gives me a place to put up my pictures... I like the templates, the pictures look good against them. Right now I am into photography... again. Like I said I jump around a lot on what I think I can do and what i want to do. I wish I could just settle down... Hopefully now I can get some sleep...