Father, thank you for al the blessings that you put in our lives, the blessing of family and of marriage. Thank you for the protection that you put upon us and the healing hand that you lay on us. Father I just pray that you be with Wendy today as she is recovering from surgery and as the possibility of another surgery is on the table. Lord, I just pray that you give her the strength to get through this physically and emotionally. Lord, please lay your hand on her body and heal her, we pray that there is no infection and that the doctors hands have done the best job that they can. Father, be with Keith as he waits. Lord, we know that waiting can be the hardest thing in the world. I pray that you just lay a calmness over him and bring people to him to reassure him and sit with him at this time. father thank you for the blessing of marriage, with this blessing there can be so much hurt as we are so attached to our spouse, please calm that worry. Thank you for everything that you are and your son Jesus Christ, thank you that you loved us so much that you sent him down to earth to save us, that he lived and breathed the same air that we breath today and that he has gone through the all the pain the world has to offer so that we may have a relationship with you. In this time of worrying and grief and anticipation and waiting I just pray that Keith will call on you Lord to be his rock because he has that relationship with you and we know that you will always be there for us. Also, Father I pray for larry as he is far from home right now. Lord I just lift Larry up to you because I know how much he cares for people and especially family, I know how much he worries and that he has such a large heart for people. god I just pray that you keep him calm as well and get him through today and tomorrow, Lord I pray that he is able to finish his sermon and lead is church, I pray that you will put people in his path today that can give encouragement. Thank you God for your provision, thank you for your love and thank you for your Son, Amen.
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